
How do we make money?

At NootroEdge, our mission is to provide readers with unbiased, research-backed information on nootropics, smart drugs, and cognitive enhancers.

We offer comprehensive, scientifically-grounded reviews on today's most popular nootropic supplements to help consumers make informed decisions.

Our team of experienced writers and editors carefully evaluate each product's formula, claims, and customer experiences to cut through marketing hype with objective analysis.

All of our content is created to educate and assist readers in understanding this complex field of cognitive enhancement. We strive to be a trustworthy resource for nootropics advice and information you can rely on.

Our Business Model

Operating a quality website with in-depth nootropics reviews, research summaries, and guides requires significant resources and manpower. To fund our work, allow our writers to dedicate time to creating comprehensive content, and keep the site freely accessible, we utilize a few principled monetization strategies.

Affiliate Marketing

The majority of our revenue comes from affiliate marketing relationships. If a reader clicks one of our vetted affiliate links to make a purchase, we receive a small commission at no extra cost to the consumer.

These affiliations allow us to earn income to pay our writers and cover site expenses while providing valuable deals to our readers. We only partner with brands we fully trust and disclose all partnerships visibly. Affiliate commissions in no way impact our review process - we evaluate all nootropics impartially based on merit alone.

Display Advertising

Display advertising allows relevant businesses to connect with our engaged audience of nootropic consumers while enabling us to generate revenue for quality content creation.

We work with a limited number of hand-picked advertisers in the health space who align with our values. Accepting advertisements keeps our website free for our readers to access.

Ads are clearly labeled as sponsored and have no influence on our editorial process. Our research, reviews, and recommendations are never swayed by advertising relationships.

Occasionally, we produce educational guides, research summaries, or nootropic explainers which are sponsored by relevant brands. This allows us to invest more into in-depth content while also giving brands a way to educate consumers about products responsibly.

All sponsored posts are clearly disclosed with the sponsor's input entirely focused on technical accuracy rather than our opinions. Editorial control remains entirely with our team.

Product Samples

At times, nootropic supplement brands may provide free product samples for our team to review. This allows us to evaluate more products to provide more options to our readers.

To prevent bias, our policy is to assess all nootropics equally on their merits, regardless of whether we received a free sample or not. Only impartial, honest reviews make it to publication after thorough evaluation.

By combining these principled revenue streams, we can continue creating the high-quality, unbiased content our readers value while keeping the website free to access. Please contact us if you have any other questions!


Giving you the cognitive edge with Nootropic reviews


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